CEPO Urges Leadership to Address Deadly Communal Violence

Edmond Yakani, CEPO-Executive Director (Photo credit: FVP Press Unit)

The Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (CEPO) is calling on the leadership of the country to take proactive measures in resolving the ongoing deadly communal violence between conflicting communities in the areas of Twic Mayardit and Abyei. The situation has become increasingly dangerous and poses a threat to the safety and protection of civilians in the area.

Mr. Edmund Yakani, Executive Director of CEPO, expressed concern over the trend of deadly communal violence, stating that it is fuelled by the allies of the conflicting communities. 

He emphasized that these acts are turning into real human rights violations and endangering the safety and protection of civilians. While acknowledging that the presidential order has some shortcomings, Yakani stressed the importance of its implementation. 

He also highlighted the significance of messages from respected elders, such as Francis Deng and Bona Malual, which are unfortunately being undermined by armed youth from both conflicting communities and their allies.

Yakani condemned the armed youth for their involvement in human rights violations, stating that such actions are unacceptable among the youth of the country. He warned the elites who are fueling the deadly violence that they will be held accountable for their actions.

CEPO is diligently documenting all violations committed by each conflicting community against the other, as both sides, along with their respective allies, are engaged in human rights violations.

In a separate news development, CEPO’s Regional Office in Wau received alarming news of an assassination attempt on Hon. Valentino Akec, the newly appointed State Minister of Ministry Agriculture and Forestry. The incident occurred on February 1st, 2024, in Hai New Site of Wau Municipality, marking the first time such an event has taken place in the history of Western Bahr el Ghazal State.

The news of the assassination attempt has shocked and frightened the general public of Wau Municipality, as the state had been one of the more stable states in the country since the signing of the peace agreement. 

The incident challenges the efforts of the state government in ensuring the security and stability of Western Bahr el Ghazal State. It highlights the presence of unauthorized individuals with access to arms, posing a threat to the lives and property of citizens.

CEPO’s Regional Office in Wau strongly condemns the assassination attempt and calls on the state authorities to hold those responsible accountable before the court of law. 

The organization also expresses appreciation for the state government’s efforts in maintaining peace, stability, and development in Western Bahr el Ghazal despite economic hardships and slow implementation of the security arrangement.

CEPO appeals to the principals of the R-ARCSS (Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan) to expedite the process of implementing the security arrangement. This will support the efforts of state governors in maintaining security and stability as the country prepares for the general electoral process.

Furthermore, CEPO urges politicians and intellectuals to refrain from instigating violence among communities, reminding them that political appointments are not community affairs. The organization respectfully appeals to the State Governor of Western Bahr el Ghazal State to work with prominent figures and religious leaders in addressing the growing intercommunal tension in the state.