CEPO Urges Twic Mayaradit and Ngok Dinka to Utilize Social Media for Peace, Not Violence

In the midst of ongoing deadly violence between the communities of Twic Mayaradit and Ngok Dinka, there has been a concerning rise in the abuse and dissemination of hate speech and hostile propaganda on various social media platforms. 

This alarming trend poses a serious threat to the escalation of violence, following the recent killing of the Abyei Deputy Chief Administrator on December 31, 2023, in a road car ambush in Rummaner county.

Mr. Edmund Yakani, the Executive Director of CEPO, has observed a sharp increase in hate speech and hostile propaganda on social media platforms among the conflicting communities of Twic Mayaradit and Ngok Dinka. 

He emphasizes the need for social media users from both communities to recognize that these platforms can be used as weapons of war. The abusive use of social media can easily trigger genocide, crimes against humanity, and grave human rights violations. Therefore, it is crucial for social media users from Twic Mayaradit and Ngok Dinka to prioritize the promotion of peace over violence.

“We are tracking individuals from both conflicting communities who are actively engaging in promoting hate speech and hostile propaganda on social media platforms, fueling violence rather than fostering a culture of dialogue for peace,” Mr. Yakani states. 

“Sadly, these negative social media users have effectively contributed to the escalation of deadly violence between both communities. We urge them to immediately cease their abusive use of social media to promote hate speech and hostile propaganda. Social media is a powerful platform that, when used consultatively and responsibly, can positively impact our society.”

In addition, CEPO will take a proactive role in promoting peace dialogues among the various constituencies of the conflicting communities, both within the country and in the diaspora. They urge the diaspora population of the conflicting communities to refrain from further fueling the deadly violence between these sisterly communities.

By prioritizing dialogue and understanding, Twic Mayaradit and Ngok Dinka can work towards a peaceful resolution and prevent further loss of life and destruction within their communities.