Civic Space Watch Reports 15 Violations of Civic and Political Space from April to July, 2024 in South Sudan

Juba – The Civic Space Watch initiative has highlighted a concerning increase in violations of civic space in South Sudan from April to July, 2024, with a total of 15 reported incidents. This surge in violations comes at a critical time for the country as it prepares for national general elections scheduled for December 2024, which are at risk of being delayed.

The incidents range from threats against civil society organizations and activists to arrests of journalists and academics, indicating a disturbing trend of shrinking civic and political space in the country. Some notable violations include threats made against CEPO in Wau, arrests of journalists in Bor town, and the closure of civil society offices by the National Security Service (NSS) over alleged involvement in strikes.

Mr. Edmund Yakani, Executive Director of CEPO, expressed his concern over the trend of abusive behavior by some members of the national security services, suggesting possible motivations tied to financial incentives. He emphasized the need for constructive engagement between civil society and state agencies to safeguard civic space during the ongoing political transitional process.

While there have been recent statements affirming support for press freedom and civic engagement from the NSS and state authorities, the reality on the ground paints a different picture. CEPO is calling on national parliamentarians to actively participate in facilitating dialogue between civil society and security institutions to ensure a conducive environment for public engagement.

In conclusion, CEPO’s Civic Space Watch initiative urges prompt action towards establishing meaningful dialogue between stakeholders to protect civic and political space in South Sudan during this critical period of transition.