CPA Condemns Violations of R-ARCSS by Military Intelligence Elements

According to a press release on February 23rd 2024, the Center for Peace and Advocacy (CPA) has spoken out against the violations of the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS) by elements of the Military Intelligence (MI).
The CPA’s condemnation comes after a press statement issued by SPLM-IO Deputy Chairman, Hon. Oyet Nathaniel Pierino, highlighting misconduct by individuals within the SSPDF’s Military Intelligence.
The organization expressed deep concerns about these actions, stating that they serve as a reminder of past conflicts and urging military officers and political leaders to opt for peaceful approaches rather than war.
The CPA emphasized the need for accountability for those who plan for another war, citing Chapter Five of the R-ARCSS. Additionally, the organization warned against provocative propaganda that undermines the spirit of the agreement, as outlined in Article
The recent incident involving an attack on one of Rt. Hon. Oyet’s bodyguards further underscored the challenges facing the implementation of Chapter Two of the R-ARCSS.
The CPA called for RJMEC and CSYSAMVM to conduct a thorough investigation into the incident and hold those responsible accountable.