CSOs, Partners and Government Conclude a Successful Two-Day Review of SDGs, Focus on Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

Key stakeholders including civil society organizations (CSOs), partners, and government officials recently concluded a comprehensive review of progress towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16 on peace, justice, and strong institutions in South Sudan.

Speaking at the National Voluntary Review on SDG 16 in Juba, Mr. Moro Charles Mikaya emphasized the government’s commitment to presenting a detailed report in New York this year, highlighting the country’s efforts to bring about lasting peace and justice amidst ongoing challenges.

Highlighting the importance of inclusive peace and strong institutions, Taban Christopher, Executive Director of Vision for Generation, underscored the significance of addressing key areas of interest to ensure equal access to justice and sustainable peace processes.

Orlando Moses, representing CORDAID, commended the government for leading the consortium project aimed at fostering peace, justice, and strong institutions in the country.

The review process, initiated by the National Ministry of Finance and Planning in March 2024, focuses on various SDG targets including zero hunger, good health, quality education, climate change mitigation, gender equality, decent work and economic growth, and industry, innovation, and infrastructure.

The voluntary national review serves as a vital platform to assess progress, identify opportunities, and address challenges in advancing peace, justice, and strong institutions for the benefit of all citizens in South Sudan.