As the leader of the nation, President Kiir must consider the numerous factors that will impact the lives of the citizens in the coming years. It is crucial for him to prioritize the well-being of the people and make decisions that will lead to positive outcomes for the country instead of Decrees-In and Decrees-Out occasionally.

I have the right to voice my concerns, share information, and advocate for change when necessary. This is my duty as a journalist and a responsible citizen of South Sudan. 

I have the responsibility to inform the public about important issues, including political, economic, and social issues that affect the daily lives. I deserve the right to express my opinions and concerns without fear of censorship or reprisal. 

It is crucial for a vibrant and functioning democracy for journalists and citizens to have the freedom to express their views and hold those in power accountable. This is a fundamental right that should be upheld and respected by all.

Presidential decrees have both positive and negative effects on the lives of people.

On the negative side, presidential decrees can be seen as a way for the executive branch to bypass the legislative process and make decisions unilaterally. This can lead to a lack of checks and balances, potentially resulting in decisions that do not fully represent the will of the people or may not be in their best interests. Additionally, presidential decrees can be used to implement policies that may be harmful to certain groups or have long-term negative effects on society.

On the positive side, presidential decrees can be an effective means for the executive branch to take quick action in response to urgent issues or crises. The can allow for flexibility in governance and adaptation to changing circumstances, helping to address unforeseen challenges and opportunities.

But when politicians knows that they’ll only have a limited time in power, they may be more tempted to engage in corrupt practices to secure their own interests and financial gain before their term ends. This can lead to a culture of corruption and a lack of accountability, as officials may not feel the need to answer for their actions once they are out of office.

Sacking a political post holder should not be done on a whim or for personal or political reasons. It supposed to be based on concrete evidence of their failure to perform their duties effectively and in the best interests of the people they represent.

The process of sacking a political post holder is supposed to involve due process and in accordance with the laws and regulations governing their position. This ensures that the decision is not arbitrary and that the rights of the post holder are respected.

My President need to take into account the economic, social, and political factors that will influence the lives of the citizens. This includes addressing issues such as unemployment, inflation, and access to basic services like healthcare and education. It is essential for the government to create and implement policies that will improve the standard of living for all individuals.

Additionally, President need to be mindful of the political climate and strive to promote unity and stability within the nation. It is important for the government to work towards resolving conflicts and creating an environment where all citizens feel safe and valued.

Furthermore, President should also consider the impact of global events and trends on the country. It is vital for the government to adapt to changes in the international community and establish relationships that will benefit the nation in the long run.

In my opinion and conclusion, The father of the nation, it would be wise for him to consider all of these factors and make decisions that will ultimately benefit the citizens of South Sudan. By prioritizing the well-being of the people and addressing key issues, the government can work towards creating a better future for all citizens.

Writer ✍️