Demanding Better Treatment and Support for War Veterans

The peaceful demonstration quickly turned violent when the South Sudan National Police service resorted to shooting at the protesters in an attempt to disperse them.

Bol Deng Bol, The
Executive Director, INTREPID South Sudan (ISS), a prominent activist and advocate for human rights, expressed his deep concern over the incident. He emphasized that citizens have the constitutional right to freedom of expression and assembly, and that protests should not be treated as criminal activities. Bol condemned the use of excessive force by the police and called for those responsible to be held accountable for their actions.

The wounded heroes and heroines who participated in the protest are individuals who have sacrificed their lives for the betterment of South Sudan. They were demanding better treatment and support from the government, particularly from the Ministry of Finance. These brave individuals, who have endured the horrors of war, deserve to be heard and their grievances addressed.

The Ministry of Interior, under the government of South Sudan, has been urged to take immediate action and ensure that the police personnel involved in the shooting are held accountable for their actions. Bol’s appeal for justice echoes the sentiments of many South Sudanese citizens who believe in the importance of upholding human rights and protecting the welfare of their fellow countrymen.

As the injured protesters receive medical treatment, it is hoped that they will recover soon. Their bravery in standing up for their rights serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggles faced by the people of South Sudan. It is crucial that their voices are heard and that the government takes steps to address their concerns and provide the necessary support they deserve.

The incident at the Ministry of Finance highlights the need for improved dialogue and understanding between the government and its citizens. Peaceful protests should be seen as an opportunity for constructive engagement and not met with violence. It is essential that the government works towards creating an environment where citizens can freely express their opinions and concerns without fear of reprisal.

The South Sudan National Police service must be reminded of their duty to protect and serve the people, rather than resorting to violence. The incident serves as a wake-up call for the government to prioritize the protection of human rights and ensure that law enforcement agencies are held accountable for their actions.

The South Sudanese deserve a government that respects their rights and works towards their well-being. It is hoped that this incident will serve as a catalyst for positive change and lead to a more inclusive and just society in South Sudan.