Dictator Prof John Akec should revive UoJ Students’ Union and open students’ political rallies

By Garang Abraham

November 21, 2022 (Juba)-It’s always great to give credit where it’s due, and the fact remains Prof John Akec was such a useful and influential gear that used his academia experience and efforts during the dredging season – a campaign that healed fruits during that time, though the cabinet later rebranded the project and passed it. However, your efforts were magnificent. Respect!

However, for someone who has been in the media for quite some-time and follows Prof. John Akec minute after minute, Akec is a horrible dictator, and below are a few reasons.

Years ago, Prof Akec banned the Juba University Student Union [JUSU] after some student leaders rejected his tuition fee increment plan. Days before students planned to protest against his plan, he suspended the body, claiming that it mobilized the students to counter his plan and cause destruction. Now, what is the difference between Akec and security agents who flood roads and shut down the internet amid peaceful protest plans in Juba?

Freedom of expression and assembly abused: As a prominent academia who knows what the constitution of South Sudan says, Prof. Akec as well banned all peace rallies, where students express their own concerns regarding university admin and country’s affairs. Prof, kindly revive students’ rallies, coz you are violating their freedoms of assembly and expression. Though I don’t subscribe to these campaigns, many students see them as interactive sessions and political/history learning avenues.

Sad story regarding Late Prof Onen death: In 2019 when I was very active in the media, Prof John Akec denied me from speaking to students and lecturers who were colleagues of Late Prof Onen – former dean of one of the colleges, who died in Nairobi. Why refuse media from reflecting the memories and the past work of the late Prof. I remember Prof Akec told me, “Late Onen was our former staff and is no longer part of us”. Imagine the colleagues of Late Onen revealed to me that information is structure at UoJ and they can’t speak to me, unless the big man [Akec] approves. Is that human? However, I interviewed some students illegally, and kept the zeal students anonymous, because I can’t be censored by security and academia too.

Too many NSS inside the university; Many students at UoJ have revealed to me that the level of NSS staff inside the university is unmatched, to the extent that students are always afraid that their fellow students can be the ones to arrest them if you express your opinions. Is that how UK universities you attended operate prof?

Arms everywhere, coupled with poor security: With only 3 gates at the main campus, UoJ has failed to protect students. I have driven inside UoJ main and western campus severally, and nobody has ever checked me. To make it worse, most students who work in the security sector have always been allowed to enter the campus with their guns. There is an alleged incident where one student one time threatened to shoot a lecturer.

With due respect, I appreciate your developmental projects at UoJ, however, lower your dictatorship behavior. You can’t be criticizing most ministries when you are a terrific dictator leading the public institution horribly.

Disclaimer: The words expressed here don’t represent the institutions the writer works for. Alhuriya Media is not responsible for all the words expressed here; treat them as the writer’s personal opinion.