East Africa Civil Society Forum Holds Successful Summit in Arusha, Focuses on Integration and Governance

Mr. Edmund Yakani, President of East Africa Civil Society Organizations Forum with Right Honourable Speaker Josephe Ntakirutimana of East Africa Legislative Assembly during the East Africa Civil Society Organizations 2nd summit in Aruhsa, Tanazia.

By Majur Chol Khor 

Last week, the East Africa Civil Society Forum convened its second Civil Society Summit in Arusha, with a significant turnout from national chapters across the region. The summit, which centered on governance change and food security, aimed to harness the potential of East African citizens for genuine integration.

Speaking on the success of the summit, President of the East Africa Civil Society Forum, Edmund Yakani, expressed his satisfaction with the discussions that took place. He highlighted the forum’s focus on engaging with members of the East Africa Legislative Assembly to address issues related to free movement, trade, human rights, and good governance within the East African Community.

Yakani emphasized the importance of enacting legislation to unify the civic space for civil society organizations across East Africa. He called on the heads of state and government in the region to support the free operation of civil society groups without restrictions.

“We have agreed with the members of the East African Legislative Assembly on the necessity of enacting legislation to unify the civic space for civil society in the East African Community,” Yakani stated.

Looking ahead, Yakani announced plans to tour each member state to engage with national chapters and work towards commemorating the 25th anniversary of the East African Community, known as the Silver Jubilee. The upcoming summit in June will be held in Nairobi, Kenya, with a continued focus on promoting integration and civic participation in the region.

The East Africa Civil Society Forum is committed to fostering collaboration and dialogue to advance governance, human rights, and sustainable development across the East African Community.