Ensuring South Sudanese Journalists Remain Objective in the 2024 Elections

As South Sudan prepares for the critical 2024 elections, it is imperative to address a growing concern.

The potential temptations that may sway journalists towards supporting political parties. The role of journalists is to report news objectively, ensuring citizens receive fair and accurate information to make informed choices. However, in a volatile political landscape like South Sudan, the risk of media bias poses a threat to the democratic process. 

In this opinion piece, I delve into the guarantees needed to ensure that South Sudanese journalists remain independent and impartial during the upcoming elections.

To guarantee journalist impartiality, South Sudan must bolster its media laws and regulations. These frameworks should establish clear guidelines that prohibit overt support for any political party. Moreover, media ownership should be transparent, ensuring that media outlets are not controlled or influenced by political entities. By institutionalizing these regulations, the government can create an environment conducive to an unbiased press.

Investing in comprehensive journalistic training and education is essential to equip journalists with the skills necessary to remain impartial in the face of political pressures. 

Media organizations, independent bodies, and international partnerships should offer workshops, seminars, and mentoring programs focused on ethical reporting, media standards, and the importance of remaining apolitical. 

Encouraging critical thinking would empower journalists to resist temptations and hold firm to their responsibility of delivering accurate and unbiased news.

Freedom of the press is a cornerstone of a functioning democracy and a prerequisite for impartial journalism. South Sudan must actively protect media freedom by creating an environment where journalists feel safe to report without fear of reprisal. 

Ensuring laws are in place to safeguard journalists from harassment, censorship, or arbitrary arrests will foster an atmosphere where objective reporting can flourish. Additionally, the government should promote the inclusion and amplification of diverse voices to avoid the concentration of media influence in the hands of a few.

South Sudanese media houses need to establish comprehensive mechanisms for self-regulation and accountability. 

Independent bodies, such as UJOSS, AMDISS, EDITORS FORUMS and NPCSS can be instrumental in promoting ethical standards and addressing complaints against journalists or media outlets. 

South Sudan could benefit from engaging international observers to scrutinize media coverage during the 2024 elections. These observers would act as neutral third parties, ensuring that journalistic integrity is maintained. Their oversight would provide an additional layer of transparency and serve as a deterrent to journalists who may be tempted to support specific political parties. Their reports and recommendations can further assist in identifying potential areas of improvement for the South Sudanese media landscape.

Preserving the integrity of the South Sudanese media during the 2024 elections is paramount to safeguarding the democratic process. 


Majur Chol Khor 

South Sudanese 

Multi-Media Awards~Winning Journalist | Public Relations Specialist | Documentary Expert|Author|

📧 majurcholkhor@gmail.com