Former UJOSS Staff Member Arrested for Defamation Amidst Allegations and Disputes


By Majur Chol Khor

The Union of Journalists of South Sudan (UJOSS) made headlines on Monday as they arrested one of their former staff member, Ruot George, on allegations of defamation. The arrest, which took place in Juba and has led to George’s detention at a local police station, has sparked controversy amidst longstanding disputes and conflicting accusations between George and the Union.

Police Investigator William Yach revealed that an arrest warrant had been issued by the Union against Ruot George in connection with the defamation accusations he made against the leadership of UJOSS. These allegations include claims of corruption, mismanagement of funds, alteration of the Union’s constitution, and failure to hold a general assembly – accusations vehemently denied by the Union of Journalists.

Koang Pal, a Senior Journalist, shared his observations on the situation, highlighting the complexities that arise from including former rivals in leadership roles and urged UJOSS leaders to focus on integrity, avoid unnecessary drama, and maintain their role model status for journalists.

Another member, Williams Tor, expressed the view that internal procedures should have been exhausted before resorting to legal action, as taking the matter to court could tarnish the image of the Union.

Maurice D. suggested that if Ruot George had indeed defamed UJOSS, a legal resolution might be more appropriate, while emphasizing the importance of UJOSS addressing the situation beyond just defamation concerns.

While the Union of Journalists of South Sudan is yet to issue an official response to the claims and developments surrounding Ruot George’s arrest, a member highlighted the significance of upholding journalistic integrity and avoiding false claims and accusations that could harm the reputation of journalism and the Union itself.

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