GIZ Empowers Smallholder Farmers in South Sudan with Machines and Motorbikes

In a move to boost agricultural productivity and support livelihoods, the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ) has handed over various machines and motorbikes to smallholder farmer groups, cooperatives, and county agriculture departments in Yambio and Nzara County.

The handover ceremony, which took place on Thursday, 14 March 2024, saw the donation of 10 grinding mills, 45 peanut processing machines, and 200 sewing machines to 70 farmer groups and cooperatives. Additionally, GIZ also provided two motorbikes to the Yambio and Nzara County Agriculture Departments.

These assets are expected to have a significant impact on the local communities. The grinding mills and peanut processing machines will improve processing capabilities, providing new opportunities for income generation and enhancing household prosperity and nutrition. Meanwhile, the motorbikes will aid in the facilitation of delivery and monitoring of agriculture extension support services.

Furthermore, the 200 sewing machines, which were handed over to members of vulnerable households, will be accompanied by training from GIZ to equip individuals with the necessary skills to set up businesses, thus enabling them to earn additional income and supplement household earnings from agricultural production.

The handover ceremony was officiated by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, and Environment for Western Equatoria State, Hon. Alison Barnaba, and attended by representatives of various farmer groups and cooperatives, local authorities, as well as national and international NGOs.

The initiative is part of the “Food and Nutrition Security and Natural Resource Management – FONA” project implemented by GIZ on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Operating in selected areas of Western Equatoria State and Northern Bahr El-Ghazal, the project aims to support farmers in increasing their harvest and diversifying their diets, while also implementing activities to mitigate the negative consequences of extreme climate events.

Through coordinated activities, GIZ is working in partnership with the “Joint Resilience Programme” of WFP/UNICEF, funded by BMZ through KfW, to enhance the long-term development of South Sudan. This support spans various fields, including local governance, rural development, sustainable agri-food systems, water and sanitation supply, peace and reconciliation, gender equality, and SGBV prevention.

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, a federal enterprise with worldwide operations, is committed to supporting the German Government in international cooperation for sustainable development. The corporation’s work is aimed at assisting people and societies in shaping their own future and improving living conditions globally.