Governor Jadalla Advocates for Border Demarcation in Council of States Hearing


The Governor of Central Equatoria State, H.E. Gen. Augustino Jadalla Kamilo Wani, took center stage before the Council of States at the National Legislature on Wednesday, responding to queries regarding the encroachment of Ugandan forces into parts of South Sudan.

Governor Jadalla highlighted the longstanding cultural and belief-based ties between the communities of Kajo-Keji County in Central Equatoria State and the Ma’di of Moyo District and Lugbara/Aringa of Yumbe District in Uganda along the border. However, he expressed concerns over the escalating tensions stemming from the lack of demarcation between the two countries, which has strained the historic relationship between neighboring communities.

Citing Uganda’s land pressure due to rapid population growth and developmental expansion, Governor Jadalla emphasized Uganda’s burgeoning population, which has doubled in the past twenty years, leading to challenges regarding land availability. He noted that conflicts arising from the 2016 unrest in South Sudan prompted many residents of Kajo-Keji County and Morobo to seek refuge in Uganda, inadvertently opening avenues for Ugandan encroachment into South Sudanese territory.

Governor Jadalla underscored the imperative of delineating and establishing clear borders as a lasting solution to quell the border disputes with Uganda. He advocated for the intervention of the Border Committee, comprising representatives from both countries, to address the lingering border issues decisively.

Addressing the lawmakers, Governor Jadalla stressed, “The legitimate and internationally recognized border should adhere to the British Secretary of State’s 1914 Order and the declaration of Sudan’s independence in 1956.” He called upon the governments of South Sudan and Uganda to collaboratively undertake the essential task of demarcating the border line to uphold territorial integrity and foster peaceful coexistence between the two nations.

Governor Jadalla’s proactive stance at the Council of States underscores his commitment to resolving border challenges and fostering stability and harmony within the region.

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