Governor of Western Equatoria State Joins Jonglei State in Observing Open Political and Civic Space, CEPO Applauds the Move


In a significant step towards enhancing democratic processes in South Sudan, the governor of Western Equatoria State has followed the lead of the governor of Jonglei State in issuing a state order for the observation of open political and civic space. The move has been warmly welcomed by the Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (CEPO) as a progressive and positive development.

Mr. Edmund Yakani, Executive Director of CEPO, commended the governors for their commitment to promoting open political and civic space, stating that this action aligns with the presidency order dated 22 October 2022 and the resolutions of the state and chief administrator forum on the matter. Yakani emphasized the significance of upholding freedoms of expression, association, assembly, and media in building a more inclusive and democratic society.

CEPO is now calling upon governors of other states to follow suit and take similar steps to ensure unrestricted political and civic space amid the country’s ongoing political transitional process. The organization emphasizes that fostering an environment of openness and inclusivity is crucial for a successful transition from violence to peace in South Sudan.

Furthermore, CEPO announced that it will collaborate with partners such as the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) to monitor and support the implementation of the states’ orders on open political and civic space. The organization expressed gratitude to UNMISS for its continued support in promoting genuine and successful political transition in the country.

The move by the governors of Jonglei and Western Equatoria states underscores a growing commitment towards democratization and respect for fundamental rights in South Sudan. CEPO remains optimistic about the potential impact of these measures in building a more transparent and participatory political landscape for the nation.

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