King of Azande Kingdom Receives Generous Offer from SPLM Chairperson in Western Equatoria State

By Jackson Gaaniko

In show of support and solidarity, the king of Azande kingdom, Atoroba peni Rikito Gbudue, was presented with a brand new Senke Tembo motorbike and office furniture by the Deputy Governor of Western Equatorial State, Yambio. The gesture was made during a handover ceremony held on Thursday.

Expressing his gratitude, the king thanked the team for their generous offerings, emphasizing the importance of these resources for the kingdom’s activities and office operations. He also extended his appreciation to the President, who serves as the Head of SPLM, for his role in restoring the Azande kingdom.

Furthermore, the king appealed to the South Sudanese government and the government of the state to provide support for the kingdom. Currently, the workers of the kingdom are being paid by the government of Uganda, which also looks after its affairs. King Atoroba urged his own government to take a more active role in empowering the kingdom.

The king also expressed his gratitude to the Deputy Governor and the entire team for visiting him and offering their gifts. He wished them well and hoped that their actions would be guided by the ancestral spirit of the Azande kingdom.

In response, the Deputy Governor of Western Equatoria State, Hon Dr Kennedy Gaaniko Baime, commended the efforts of the SPLM party in supporting the Azande kingdom. He pledged to collaborate with other parties to ensure continued support for the kingdom, highlighting its young status and the need for collective effort.

The generous offer made by the SPLM Chairperson in Western Equatoria State not only provides the Azande kingdom with much-needed resources but also signifies a commitment to its growth and development. With the support of the government and various parties, the kingdom can look forward to a brighter future.