Luacjang Community Issue Serious Notice and Last Warning to South Sudan National Minister of General Education

By Majur Chol Khor

The Luacjang Community of South Sudan has issued a serious notice and last warning to Hon. Awut Deng, expressing concerns about the looming crisis in areas such as Wau and Juba. The notice, directed to President Kiir, highlights alleged divisive legislation in Tonj East County and mobilization funded by Awut Deng against Luacjang students and community members.

The notice also raises concerns about the mistreatment of Luacjang students at the University of Bahr el Gazal, with allegations that Awut Deng is misusing her powers as Chair of the University’s Council. Additionally, the community expresses distress over the targeting of Luacjang youth by armed individuals purportedly associated with Awut Deng.

The notice emphasizes that the situation is escalating and warns that those involved will be held accountable for any harm caused. It also calls for action from President Kiir and urges him to address the concerns raised by the community.

The stand-off between Luacjang Youth and Hon. Awut Deng Achuil, Member of Parliament and Minister of General Education and Instructions in South Sudan, has its genesis deeply rooted in a series of events that have led to tensions and discontent within the community.

Hon. Awut Deng Achuil, representing Tonj East County in the National Legislative Assembly, is the daughter of Paramount Chief Deng Achuil Dot and married to former political figure Dhol Achuil Aleu.

In 2010, she was compromised with the Tonj East Women Parliamentary seat, despite being married to Kuanythii. This decision sparked controversy and laid the foundation for the current stand-off.

The recent conflict stems from Minister Awut’s decision to cancel exams for Luacjang Community, citing insecurity concerns. The community condemned her actions, viewing them as divisive and aimed at targeting Luacjang due to ongoing tensions with Awut’s own community of Akok Deng Achuil. This move was seen as a deliberate attempt to harm innocent children and exacerbate existing sectarian conflicts.

Subsequent arrests of Luacjang youth by Hon. Awut further escalated tensions.

The youth were believe to have been unlawfully detained, allegedly to silence dissent and deter complaints against the Minister’s actions. These arrests have instilled fear among Luacjang youth, who now fear for their safety and security.

The community is calling for accountability and justice, urging Hon. Awut to publicly apologize for her actions. Additionally, they are appealing to the President of the Republic to reconsider Hon. Awut’s parliamentary seat and have it returned to the community for proper representation.

The situation remains tense, with the community seeking resolution and peace amidst the turmoil caused by their own Member of Parliament.

Minister Awut has vehemently denied these allegations and has stated that she has always worked tirelessly to ensure that all students have access to education, regardless of their location or background. The case has attracted significant attention and has sparked debate within the community.

The defense team representing the three defendants is confident in their case and is prepared to vigorously defend their clients in court.

Minister Awut has expressed her desire for a fair and transparent trial, stating that she trusts in the judicial system to uphold the principles of justice and truth.

The outcome of this case will be closely watched by many as it involves issues of education access and accountability.