Male Champions Trained in Sexual Reproductive Health and Family Planning in Juba

By Denilson Denike
Sixteen male champions received five days of intensive training on Sexual Reproductive Health and Family Planning Information in Rajaf Payam of Juba County. The local chief, Okedi Edward Libala, who also serves as a public health practitioner, attended the training and expressed the importance of such knowledge in light of the economic crisis affecting the community.
During the closing ceremony of the five-day training, Okedi emphasized the necessity of utilizing family planning methods to cope with the current challenging economic situation. He highlighted the impact of the training on the community, especially for adults and adolescents, and encouraged his fellow male champions to advocate and promote the use of family planning.
Loro Everesto, a resident of Gumbo South, shared that the training provided valuable insights into social determinants in life, education, food, health, and the essential role of male champions. He urged his peers to apply the knowledge gained and become advocates for positive change in their communities.
Kevina Abalo, the Executive Director of Resilient Organization, explained that the organization invited men from Rajaf Payam of Juba County to participate in the training to engage male champions in sexual reproductive health and family planning information sharing. She emphasized the positive impact of male engagement in family planning on reproductive health and gender outcomes.
Abalo stressed the significance of male involvement in decisions related to family size and contraceptive use and highlighted the role of male champions in promoting women’s social status and access to sexual reproductive health and family planning. The integration and promotion of male champions play a crucial role in advancing gender justice.
The training was organized by Resilient Organization with support from the UNFPA South Sudan, aiming to empower male champions to become advocates for women’s rights, increase awareness about family planning, and promote gender equality in the community.