Maridi County Women’s Group Launches Savings Program at Women Resource Center

By Bongomin Walter

Maridi County, Western Equatoria State – A group of 26 women, known as “Limu Badu Yau kwis,” officially opened their six-month savings program at the Women Resource Center on Wednesday, January 31, 2024.

During the event, Miss Charity Marcy Mamunga, the Deputy Payam Administrator of Maridi, served as the guest of honor and encouraged the women to pursue group savings rather than individual savings. 

She highlighted the benefits of collective saving and urged the South Sudan Red Cross (SSRC) Maridi branch to support women in capacity building, particularly in fields like catering. She also called for similar training programs to be extended to women in other payams within Maridi County.

Maama Sarah Benneth, the acting chairperson of “Limu Badu Yau kwis” and chairperson of the Women Network in Maridi County, expressed her gratitude to the SSRC Maridi branch for their support. 

She encouraged the group members to continue working together, fostering unity, socialization, and patience. Benneth also emphasized the importance of expanding the group by encouraging more women to join. Furthermore, she appealed to partners to provide training on lobbying and writing project proposals.

Mr. David Bidal, the head of the SSRC branch, reassured the group of the organization’s commitment to supporting the community until positive changes are realized. He encouraged community members to engage in income-generating activities and foster self-reliance.

The formation of Limu Badu Yau kwis took place on June 30, 2023, after the women received training from the SSRC Maridi branch. 

The group’s primary goal is to promote a proper savings system and self-reliance among women in Maridi County.