National Legislature Shows Strong Response to Civil Society Advocacy

In a promising turn of events, the leadership of the national legislature has demonstrated a keen interest in addressing the concerns raised by civil society organizations, particularly The Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (CEPO). Mr. Edmund Yakani, the Executive Director of CEPO, expressed his satisfaction with the legislature’s response to their advocacy efforts.

“We are impressed to learn that the leadership of the national legislature has responded positively to our advocacy for the deliberation and formulation of policy and action decisions based on the speech of the President of the Republic of South Sudan,” Yakani stated.

CEPO has put forward five critical action points that they believe should not be ignored in the committee’s report to be presented before the session of the national legislature. These action points include calls for an inclusive national political dialogue on national elections consensus, engagement with various elections-related institutions, enhancing the role of national domestic commercial banks, effective funding for agricultural banks and competitive societies, and clarifying the roles and responsibilities of the national legislature in implementing policy directions.

Yakani emphasized the importance of follow-through by the national legislature to ensure that the outcomes and proposals from the President’s speech are translated into practical actions. He highlighted the need for accountability and oversight to guarantee that the executive branch responds to these resolutions and recommendations effectively.

“We don’t want to see the usual behavior where the speech of the President is discussed and then forgotten. It is essential for the national legislature to take concrete actions based on the President’s speech to drive positive change in the nation,” Yakani added.

The commitment shown by the national legislature to engage with civil society organizations and consider their recommendations is a positive step towards fostering dialogue and collaboration for the betterment of South Sudan. With a clear focus on implementing key policy directives and action points, there is hope for meaningful progress in the country’s development agenda.

As stakeholders work together towards a common goal, the future looks promising for South Sudan’s socio-economic landscape with a renewed emphasis on inclusive governance and sustainable development.