Political Elites Express Fear Over Upcoming December 2024 Elections, CEPO Report Reveals

According to a recent report by the Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (CEPO), a staggering 60% of political elites holding decision-making posts are exhibiting fear and reluctance towards the upcoming December 2024 elections. The report highlighted a concerning trend where influential leaders are hesitant in creating a conducive environment for the conduct of elections in a free, fair, credible, and peaceful manner.

Mr. Edmund Yakani, the Executive Director of CEPO, emphasized the discrepancy in the statements made by these political elites in private versus public spaces regarding the elections. He noted that while many leaders publicly advocate for timely elections, their private statements reveal a lack of enthusiasm towards ensuring the elections proceed smoothly.

“Some of these fearful political leaders have been instrumental in delaying crucial decisions such as adequate financing of the peace agreement and opening up civic and political spaces,” stated Mr. Yakani. He further expressed concerns about the contradictory behavior of these leaders, urging them to prioritize the democratic process.

The report has sparked a debate on the commitment of political elites towards fostering democracy and good governance through transparent electoral processes. 

CEPO is calling on citizens to advocate for unrestricted civic engagement and demand genuine elections as mandated by the provisions of the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan (R-ARCSS).

In light of this revelation, the pressure mounts on the political class to address these fears and work towards ensuring a fair, free, and peaceful electoral environment leading up to the crucial December 2024 elections.