Political Pluralism is Beneficial for the Democratic Development of South Sudan

Dear Compatriots,

Political pluralism is healthy in practice because it promotes transparency and accountability through good governance. Democracy is highly valued by most citizens, and a multiparty system should be built on the fundamentals of the country in question, taking into account its history of leadership and governance. The suitability, progressiveness, and popularity of political participation should be ensured for all stakeholders, regardless of the size and capacity of any given member organization, as provided for within the legal framework.

The perception of political ideology as a “copy and paste” approach often fails due to historical, societal, and political differences among the actors involved. Each country has its own specific traits that may not necessarily be the same as its neighboring countries. Therefore, a suitable, home-grown political formula is required, which necessitates high intelligence and intellectual strength.

The political landscape in South Sudan is semi-militaristic, with many key proponents being former armed groups and forces with political affiliations. These individuals have not been systematically demilitarized, institutionally corrected, and politically empowered to understand when and how to navigate the political landscape in a transitional semi-military dispensation, as is the case in South Sudan today.

Therefore, the political journey is just beginning in South Sudan and will be determined naturally through the survival of the fittest. We should not quarrel or aggress against each other for what we have yet to face. Let us prepare our organizations to be presentable and allow the public to pass judgment when the time comes. Political bigotry and intolerance only show immaturity in the game.

I subscribe to the SPLM led by Cde. Salva Kiir Mayardiit, a historical political movement known to most citizens of South Sudan and people around the world. Despite its many challenges, the SPLM remains determined to reform and deliver to the people’s expectations. What alternative plans does your political organization have to offer the people of South Sudan? Let us share and discuss, rather than engage in meaningless arguments.

I would like to take this opportunity to call on all political parties to join hands and work together towards achieving a peaceful and prosperous South Sudan. Petty party sentiments will only promote animosity. Political alliance and compromise are crucial tactics for sustainable political power management.

Politics is about serving humanity to the best of one’s ability with love and dignity.

God bless South Sudan,

Cde. Juma David Augustino.