South Sudan Civil Society Alliance Encourages Unity and Cooperation Ahead of 2024 General Election

Dabek Mabior Arok, Acting Chairperson of (SSCSA)

The South Sudan Civil Society Alliance (SSCSA) has released a statement emphasizing the importance of unity and cooperation as the nation prepares for the December 2024 general election. In a heartfelt message, Dabek Mabior Arok, Acting Chairperson of SSCSA, highlighted key points crucial for a successful electoral process.

“We urge all parties to the peace agreement to uphold the spirit of unity and cooperation outlined in the agreement,” stated Arok.

“It is essential that they prioritize the well-being and interests of all South Sudanese citizens above personal agendas.”

The statement also called upon the national election commission to provide transparent and accurate data on voter registration, stressing the importance of fostering trust and confidence among the electorate.

Furthermore, political parties were urged to adhere to guidelines set by the election commission and engage in community education on electoral processes to empower citizens to make informed decisions.

Arok emphasized the need for stakeholders to align with the action plan provided by the National Election Commission and the Political Parties Council to ensure a free and fair election in a timely manner.

In closing, Arok called upon the people of South Sudan to come together in unity and peace, striving for harmony and stability as the nation navigates towards the upcoming election.

“By working together and upholding these values, we can contribute to a brighter future for our beloved nation,” said Arok.

The SSCSA’s statement serves as a call to action for all South Sudanese to work towards a peaceful and inclusive electoral process, ensuring a brighter future for the nation.