South Sudan Crisis: Proposal for Caretaker Government Amidst Political Turmoil

Proposal by the COOP

In the midst of ongoing political turmoil and unrest in South Sudan, a proposal for a two-year caretaker government has emerged as a potential solution to address the deep-rooted issues plaguing the nation. The current Revitalized Transitional Government of National Unity (RTGoNU) established under the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of Conflict in South Sudan (R-ARCSS) has faced significant challenges in its implementation, leading to delays and lack of progress towards peace and stability.

Professor Abuk Deng, a prominent member of the civil society group Coalition of Opposition Parties (COOP), highlighted the urgent need for a change in governance structure: 

“The failure of the R-TGoNU to effectively implement the peace agreement has further exacerbated the crisis in South Sudan. We believe that a caretaker government comprising individuals from diverse backgrounds such as civil society, academia, and professional associations can provide the leadership needed to steer the nation towards a brighter future.”

The proposed caretaker government aims to address the financial strain caused by the bloated bureaucracy of the current administration, as well as the lack of commitment from key political figures towards the implementation of reforms outlined in the peace agreement. With a streamlined structure and a focus on efficiency, the caretaker government seeks to pave the way for free and fair elections, a crucial step towards establishing a sustainable democratic process in the country.

International observers have expressed cautious optimism regarding the caretaker government proposal. Dr. Emily Johnson, a peace and conflict resolution expert, stated, “The establishment of a caretaker government could potentially provide the fresh perspective and leadership needed to break the cycle of violence and instability in South Sudan. It is crucial that all stakeholders come together to support this initiative and work towards a peaceful and prosperous future for the nation.”

As South Sudan continues to grapple with the devastating consequences of years of conflict and political unrest, the call for a caretaker government represents a ray of hope for a nation in desperate need of stability and effective governance. With a united effort and a clear vision for the future, there is a possibility for lasting peace and prosperity to finally take root in the world’s youngest nation.

The objectives laid out for the proposed caretaker government in South Sudan encompass a comprehensive and ambitious agenda aimed at resolving the longstanding issues that have plagued the nation. The multi-fold approach outlined by proponents of the caretaker government seeks to address various critical aspects of governance and stability, paving the way for a brighter future for the country.

One of the primary goals of the caretaker government would be to restore the rule of law by unifying different militia groups into a national force and disarming the civil population, thereby creating a safer environment for all citizens. Strengthening the capacities of the army, police, and national security forces is also highlighted as a key focus to ensure the protection of people and properties and maintain peace and stability across the nation.

Moreover, restoring confidence in the international community and stabilizing the economy are vital tasks the caretaker government aims to undertake. By rebuilding relationships with South Sudan’s allies and implementing measures to boost the economy, the caretaker government intends to improve the lives of its citizens and lay the foundation for sustainable development.

The proposal also includes plans to establish a people-centered constitution, create a conducive political environment for free and fair elections, address salary arrears for public servants, and strengthen public institutions to eliminate corruption. Restructuring the administrative divisions of South Sudan back to 79 counties under 10 states and 3 administrative areas is suggested as a means to cut costs and efficiently invest resources in crucial sectors such as health, education, security, infrastructure, and more.

The envisioned structure of the caretaker government includes a lean executive body comprising 20 cabinet members at the national level and 7 cabinet members at each state and administrative area level. The formation of the People’s Constituent Assembly (PCA) as the legislature will draw members from constituencies used in previous elections, with a focus on ensuring gender representation and inclusivity.

A notable condition for members of the caretaker government, such as the President and governors, is that they will not be eligible to contest in subsequent elections following the end of the caretaker government, promoting a smooth transition of power and fostering a truly democratic system in South Sudan.

The proposed caretaker government structure and agenda reflect a concerted effort to address the deep-rooted challenges facing South Sudan and pave the way for sustainable peace, stability, and progress in the nation. Implementing these measures will require collective commitment and cooperation from all stakeholders to bring about positive change and transform the trajectory of the country towards a brighter future.