South Sudan Extends Transitional Government by 24 Months Amid Financial Constraints

In a move aimed at maintaining stability amidst financial constraints, the High Level Committee on the implementation of the 2018 Revitalised Peace Agreements has announced the extension of the Transitional Government of National Unity in South Sudan for an additional 24 months.

Hon. Puot Kang Chol, a member of the committee, expressed the need for the extension, citing the country’s lack of readiness to hold elections as the current peace agreement approaches its end in December.

“The Principals have collectively decided to extend the transitional period for 24 months to ensure a smooth transition towards eventual elections,” stated Hon. Puot Kang Chol. 

Addressing concerns about the ongoing Tumaini Peace Process in Nairobi, he emphasized that the extension would not impact the progress of the transitional government. 

Following the decision, Mr. Edmund Yakani, Executive Director of CEPO, weighed in on the implications of the extended transitional period.

“The presidency must take responsibility for genuine political decisions to transition from instability to stability. The past experiences have been marred by regrets and shame,” remarked Mr. Yakani.

He further emphasized the need for the leadership to regain trust and confidence among citizens during this extended transitional period to avoid repeating past mistakes.

As South Sudan embarks on another phase of the transitional process, concerns over citizen well-being and political stability remain at the forefront. CEPO has announced the establishment of a “citizens political transitional observatory” to monitor the progress and advocate for a peaceful and nonviolent transition.

The decision to extend the transitional government underscores the challenges facing South Sudan and highlights the complexities involved in steering the nation towards lasting peace and prosperity.