SSPDF Ammunition Explosion in Jonglei State Raises Concerns for Civilian Safety

In the aftermath of a recent explosion at the South Sudan People’s Defense Forces (SSPDF) Air Defense armory in Jonglei State, concerns are being raised about the potential dangers posed to civilian populations living in close proximity to military facilities.

Bol Deng Bol, the Executive Director of INTREPID South Sudan, expressed fear for the safety of civilians residing near military barracks in Jonglei State, particularly in areas such as Malualchaat, Taragook IDP Site, Bor IDP Site, UNMISS, and Pakwau residential area.

Bol emphasized the need for the relocation of military barracks and critical ammunition storage facilities to a location far removed from civilian residences to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

He warned of the higher likelihood of such explosions being replicated across the country if appropriate actions are not taken to protect civilian populations.

Meanwhile, Army spokesperson Gen Lul Ruai provided details about the explosion, stating that the ammunition store at Malualchat barrack in Bor County, Jonglei State was rocked by a minor explosion on March 9th, 2024, at 2:30 AM. Gen Lul explained that the explosion was caused by a Giant Nile monitor lizard, which knocked down shells and three fuses, resulting in the minor blast.

Despite the unexpected cause of the explosion, Gen Lul assured that no damage or injuries were reported as a result. The SSPDF command sought to reassure both its personnel and the public of their safety in the wake of the incident.

The explosion has prompted calls for increased vigilance and safety measures near military facilities to mitigate the risk posed to civilian populations, marking the urgent need for the careful consideration of civilian safety in proximity to military installations.