Moses Wawich Liem 
Moses Wawich Liem

December 9th, 2023; In a recent statement, the South Sudan United Front/Army-Nairobi Declaration (SSUF/A-ND) leadership, led by Chairman and Commander-in-Chief Maj. General Dickson Gatluak Jock Nyuot, has clarified that they have not joined the SPLM in Juba, contrary to reports from some media outlets.

In the press release on Saturday, Moses Wawich Liem, The Spokesperson and Secretary of Foreign Affairs for SSUF/A-ND office in London, UK officially stated that the SSUF/A- Nairobi Declaration remains committed to their own vision for peace and stability in South Sudan. They believe that their approach to the peace process is the best way forward, and that joining forces with the SPLM would not align with their goals and principles.

The decision has sparked mixed reactions from the regional and international community, However, some expressed support for the SSUF/A- Nairobi Declaration’s decision, stating that it is important for all parties involved in the peace process to stay true to their own visions and principles.

The SSUF/A-ND leadership emphasized that all the delegates who accompanied the chairman to Juba remain loyal to the cause and are actively working towards advancing the home-grown peace initiative in the capital. However, they acknowledged that a few disgruntled and confused members have chosen to defect and join the SPLM in Juba as individuals, succumbing to what they believe to be propaganda.

“The SSUF/A-ND leadership respects the freedom of choice and affiliation of individuals in a political environment, recognizing that everyone has the right to join any political party they believe will serve their interests and contribute to the betterment of the country,” Said Wawich in the press statement. 

In light of the lack of progress in the implementation of the home-grown peace initiative agreed upon with the government in Nairobi, the SSUF/A-ND leadership highlighted several key points:

1. Over 150 days have passed since their arrival in Juba on June 12th, 2023, without significant progress in the implementation of the peace initiative.

2. No official or face-to-face meetings have been scheduled with SSUF/A-ND leadership to date, in violation of the agreement.

3. The SSUF/A-ND remains firm, strong, and united under the leadership of Chairman Gen. Dickson Gatluak, and is committed to pursuing a peaceful resolution to the conflict in South Sudan through non-violence and dialogue.

4. The SSUF/A-ND urges the government to honor the agreement and schedule talks with Chairman Maj. Gen. Dickson Gatluak and his delegation to ensure peaceful coexistence in the country.

5. The SSUF/A-ND reaffirms its commitment to the cessation of hostilities agreement (COHA) signed in Rome, Italy, on January 12th, 2020, with the government of South Sudan, witnessed by the IGAD under the Sant’Egidio Community.

6. The SSUF/A-ND responds to the call made by Pope Francis for a peaceful resolution to the conflict in South Sudan, emphasizing that leaders can still sit together and find solutions.

7. The SSUF/A-ND acknowledges and reaffirms its commitment to President Kiir’s call for peaceful coexistence in his last year’s message for Christmas and New Year’s Eve.

8. Finally, the SSUF/A-ND urges the government to engage with them amicably, honor the implementation of the agreement, and demonstrate the political will to resolve the conflict peacefully as a matter of urgency.

The ongoing conflict in South Sudan has had devastating effects on the country and its people, with millions displaced and countless lives lost. The international community has been working tirelessly to bring about a lasting peace, and the decision by the SSUF/A- Nairobi Declaration to remain independent in the peace process adds a new layer of complexity to the situation.

As the peace process in South Sudan continues, it remains to be seen how the decision by the SSUF/A- Nairobi Declaration will impact the overall efforts to bring about stability and reconciliation in the country. The international community will no doubt continue to monitor the situation closely and offer their support as needed.


Majur Chol Khor 

South Sudanese 

Multi-Media Awards~Winning Journalist | Public Relations Specialist | Documentary Expert|Author|
