UJOSS Urges Journalists to Uphold Ethics Ahead of Election: Calls for Responsible Reporting

Juba- As South Sudan gears up for the upcoming election, the Unions Of Journalists Of South Sudan (UJOSS) has issued a fervent call to all journalists to adhere closely to their code of ethics. This plea was made during the commemoration of World Press Freedom Day at Palm Africa Hotel, where key figures within the media industry gathered to reflect on the importance of responsible journalism.

President of UJOSS, Oyet Patrick, emphasized the critical role of journalists in maintaining ethical standards within the media fraternity. Addressing the audience, he stressed the need for vigilance and accuracy in reporting, particularly as the election draws near. “I urge all my colleagues in the profession to remember the importance of ethics and to avoid crossing boundaries. With the approaching election, let’s ensure our reports are balanced and uphold journalistic integrity,” remarked Oyet.

Josephine Achiro, Chairperson of the Association for Media Development in South Sudan (AMDISS), echoed similar sentiments, urging media practitioners to exercise caution and diligence while out in the field. She warned against relying solely on second-hand information from social media platforms, emphasizing the need for thorough fact-checking and sensitivity when covering sensitive topics. 

“On this special day, I implore our watchdogs to handle their profession with care, especially when reporting on potentially volatile issues. Let us prioritize accuracy and responsibility in our work,” Achiro advised.

The calls from UJOSS and AMDISS serve as a timely reminder for journalists to uphold the highest standards of professionalism and ethics as they navigate the intricate landscape of election reporting in South Sudan. With the nation’s democratic process on the horizon, the role of the media in providing transparent and unbiased coverage is more crucial than ever before.