University of Rumbek Lecturers Demand Unpaid Salaries in Ongoing Strike

In a show of unity and frustration, lecturers at the University of Rumbek for Science and Technology have initiated a sit-down strike to demand the payment of eight months’ salary arrears, air tickets, and medical allowances. The protest, organized by the Rumbek University of Science and Technology Academic Staff Association (RUSTASA), commenced on Tuesday morning in Rumbek town.

Expressing their grievances, the lecturers have taken to the streets carrying placards with messages such as “Stop rampant corruption; it erodes our resources” and “Pay all civil servants.” Their peaceful demonstration reflects their determination to address the government’s failure to disburse their salaries promptly.

The strike comes in the wake of the national ministry of finance and planning closing the fiscal year 2023-2024 on June 30, halting payments to government spending agencies until the new financial year budget for 2024-2025 is passed. In accordance with the Public Financial Management and Accountability (PFMA) Act 2011 (as amended), the ministry has suspended all government spending.

1st Undersecretary Malual Tap Dieu clarified that no new payment requests will be processed until the budget is reviewed and approved by the national parliament. However, delays in tabling the 2024–25 fiscal budget at the council of ministers have left lecturers and other civil servants grappling with pending salary payments.

As the strike continues, the University of Rumbek lecturers remain resolute in their demands, seeking swift resolution to their financial grievances amidst the broader fiscal challenges facing the government.