Yambio Hosts Workshop to Support Refugees: Unveils Action Plan for 2024-2028

By Emmanuel Mandella
A crucial workshop was recently held at the Women Empowerment Center in Yambio to kicks tart discussions on the National Durable Solutions Strategy for the 2024-2028 Action Plan, with a primary focus on the repatriation of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs). Led by the State Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (RRC) and facilitated by UNHCR and UNMISS, the gathering aimed to lay the groundwork for the safe and voluntary return of individuals to their places of origin.
Addressing the assembly, Hon. Bakoyogo James Severino Morris, the State Minister of Local Government and Law Enforcement, emphasized the importance of creating a conducive environment for the return of IDPs and refugees. He stressed the voluntary nature of repatriation, assuring that elections would proceed as planned and extending a warm invitation to refugees interested in participating in the electoral process.
Encouraging participants to propose concrete strategies for the 2024-2028 action plan, Morris underscored the necessity of moving forward with proactive measures, regardless of the return of refugees. Mrs. Jane Lanyero Kony, the Head of Field Office of UNMISS in Western Equatoria State, reiterated the workshop’s objectives, highlighting the importance of integrating IDPs and refugees back into their communities.
Hon. Aringa Thomas, the Acting Chairperson of the State Relief and Rehabilitation Commission, recognized past shortcomings in action plans and emphasized the urgency of implementing practical solutions. He called on participants to engage in effective deliberations and focus on resolutions that would encourage and facilitate the return of refugees.
The workshop drew a diverse group of participants, including representatives from various institutions and community leaders, showcasing the collaborative effort needed to address the complex issue of refugee return and integration. The outcomes of this workshop are expected to shape the trajectory of refugee repatriation efforts, providing hope for a better future for those displaced during the conflicts in South Sudan between 2013 and 2016, which led many South Sudanese to seek asylum in neighboring countries such as Uganda, Kenya, DR Congo, and the Central African Republic.