Youth Transformation in Eastern Equatoria State: Over 20 Gang Members in Torit Embrace Farming with Young Farmers Association

In a transformative move, more than twenty youths in Torit, Eastern Equatoria State, have joined the Young Farmers Association, supported by the Youth Link Organization in South Sudan. This initiative aims to empower young individuals through agriculture, diverting their focus from engaging in negative activities to cultivating crops and improving livelihoods.

Speaking to Alhuriya Media, Mborimbuko Simon, Program Manager of Youth Link South Sudan in Torit, highlighted the organization’s commitment to empowering women and youth in the region through agricultural activities. Since 2023, Youth Link has been providing seeds to support Torit’s youth farmers, encouraging them to engage in productive and meaningful endeavors.

Simon emphasized that the project’s primary objective is to steer the youth away from idling by the river, smoking weed, playing cards, and engaging in community disturbances. By uniting these youths under the banner of farming, they are encouraged to actively participate in cultivating vegetables and crops, fostering a sense of purpose and unity among the group.

Iman Abdallah, Secretary-General of the Young Farmers Association in Torit, outlined plans to expand activities beyond vegetable cultivation to include animal husbandry, river fishing, and other income-generating ventures. Acknowledging the current challenges, Abdallah called for additional support from partners, including the provision of gumboots and agricultural equipment, to enhance the association’s productivity.

Tony Klema, a former member of a gang group and now part of the Young Farmers Association, emphasized the importance of joining the initiative as a means to learn, escape poverty, and transform lives. Klema urged other youths involved in gang activities to follow suit, emphasizing the opportunities for learning and income generation in agriculture.

Despite facing delays in receiving agricultural seedlings from partners, members of the Young Farmers Association in Torit continue to persevere in activities such as maize and vegetable cultivation, along with cash crop plantations. While expressing frustration over the delays, the support provided by Simon out of his own pocket has been crucial in sustaining their efforts, although additional assistance remains essential for their progress.