Two Killed and Ten Wounded in Attack by Murle Criminals in Akobo County

Akobo County, February 4th, 2024 – In a tragic incident that occurred on Sunday morning at Thep cattle camp in Akobo County, two individuals lost their lives while ten others sustained injuries in an attack carried out by Murle criminals from the Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA).

The attack was perpetrated by armed Murle youth who are still opposing the peace efforts between the Lou Nuer and Murle communities. These criminals from GPAA launched an unprovoked assault on the Lou Nuer in Thep cattle camp.

This act of violence is a clear violation of the Inter Communities Governmental Structure (ICGS) Meeting held in Ayod and Likuangole counties in November and December of 2023 respectively, as well as the recently concluded Uno conference in Likuangole County.

The authorities of Akobo County have strongly condemned this criminal attack on innocent people. Commissioner Puok Nyang Tutjiek called upon the peace-loving community of Lou Nuer to remain calm and allow the authorities to address this unfortunate incident peacefully.

Commissioner Tutjiek also appealed to the government of GPAA county commissioners to exert more pressure on the Murle youth, urging them to immediately vacate Lou Nuer territory as agreed upon in numerous conferences, in order to prevent a resurgence of this unnecessary conflict.

The Commissioner expressed his deepest condolences to the brave youth who lost their lives while defending their children, women, and properties. He also wished a speedy recovery to those who were wounded in the attack.

The attack has been strongly condemned by the Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (CEPO). 

Mr. Edmund Yakani, the Executive Director of CEPO, stated that the continuous deadly violence between the communities of Jonglei, particularly the Murle versus Lou Nuer and Murle versus Dinka conflicts, requires long-term solutions that target the armed youth through livelihood and cross-cultural activities.

One practical long-term solution proposed by CEPO is the establishment of the Gadiang Peace Village (GPV) in Gadiang village. This initiative aims to provide technical vocational skills training, as well as cultural events, to promote peaceful coexistence among the conflict-affected communities of Jonglei state. CEPO will be fundraising for the initiation of the GPV from this month until May 2024.

CEPO also called upon the leaders of the armed youth from the Murle, Dinka, and Lou Nuer communities to refrain from engaging in armed cattle raiding practices, emphasizing the importance of finding peaceful resolutions to conflicts.