Concerns Raised Over Withdrawal from Tumaini Initiative at Nairobi Peace Talks

In a recent development at the Nairobi peace talks between the Government of National Unity and non-signatory opposition parties, concerns have been raised following the withdrawal of the SPLM-IO from the Tumaini Initiative. Edmund Yakani, Executive Director of CEPO and a civil society delegate to the talks, expressed his thoughts on the matter in a statement addressing the nation.

Yakani acknowledged the concerns raised by the SPLM-IO as a stakeholder and emphasized the importance of addressing these concerns. He highlighted the principle of withdrawal from the Tumaini Initiative as a disturbing factor, urging for a deeper examination of the purpose and implications of the initiative.

The Tumaini Initiative aims to open the window for responsibility sharing among South Sudanese actors in driving the political transition in the country. However, fears have arisen regarding the restructuring of institutions under the initiative and its alignment with the R Access agreement. The legitimacy of the initiative relies on the signatories committing to Article 8.4 of the Revitalized Peace Agreement.

Yakani appealed to the First Vice President and the mediation leadership to address the concerns raised by the SPLM-IO and consider the impact of withdrawal on the commitment to the declaration. He emphasized the need for sustained peace and highlighted the detrimental effects of political grievances on the country’s stability.

As tensions rise and uncertainty looms over the political transition process, Yakani urged political elites to prioritize the well-being of citizens over personal interests. He warned against further delays and complications that could exacerbate the ongoing political instability in South Sudan.

The call for responsible leadership and a commitment to successful political transition without undermining public trust resonated throughout Yakani’s message. As the nation navigates through challenging times, the spotlight remains on the leaders to steer the country towards a path of stability, peace, and progress.

Stay tuned for further updates on the evolving situation at the Nairobi peace talks and the future of the Tumaini Initiative.