Attack on Cattle Keepers in Thep, Akobo County: Condolences and Calls for Action

Bol Deng Bol, Executive Director of INTREPID-South Sudan and Chairperson of the Jonglei Civil Society Network

In a tragic incident that unfolded on Sunday in Thep Cattle camp, Akobo County of Jonglei State, two lives were prematurely taken and ten cattle keepers were injured. This act of violence comes as a shock, especially considering the recent peace conferences held in the area. The lack of lasting impact from these conferences is disheartening and exhausting for the people of Greater Jonglei.

Expressing his condemnation of the attack, Bol Deng Bol, Executive Director of INTREPID-South Sudan and Chairperson of the Jonglei Civil Society Network, shared his sincere condolences to the victims and their families. He called for swift action and a commitment from both the Governments of Jonglei State and Greater Pibor Administrative Area to put an end to the perpetual violence that has plagued the region.

“This is enough,” Bol stated. “The continuous violence inflicted upon vulnerable and nonviolent individuals must cease at all costs. Our people have suffered enough.” He emphasized that bringing an end to this violence should be a top priority for both governments.

Bol went on to call upon the Governor of Jonglei State and the Chief Administrator of Pibor Administrative Area to take responsibility for the ongoing violence and work towards a sustainable and peaceful resolution. He stressed the importance of rescuing and protecting the most vulnerable members of society, including mothers, children, the elderly, wives, sisters, and youth who often fall victim to rape, abduction, mutilation, and murder.

As the community mourns the loss of lives and prays for the injured to recover swiftly, the urgent need for action and a lasting solution to the violence in Greater Jonglei State becomes increasingly apparent.