Bishop Hiboro Calls for Ownership of Foundation Sports Complex in Maridi County

By Bongomin Walter

In a recent spiritual dedication prayer, Bishop Eduardo Hiibboro Kussala of the Catholic Diocese of Tambura-Yambio (CDTY) urged the people of Western Equatoria State to take ownership of the foundation sports complex, known as “muku,” located in Maridi county. 

The bishop emphasized that the complex should be a place where people of different backgrounds can come together as a family, and where talents and abilities can be nurtured and developed.

The dedication prayer, which took place on January 3, 2024, aimed to bless the sports complex and make it a center of pleasure for all. Bishop Hiboro emphasized that the complex should be dedicated to God and become a hub for the community to gather and appreciate God’s creation.

Joseph Ndepi Ndende, the chairperson of the Yambio Local Football Association (YLFA), praised the Africano Mande Foundation (AMF) for their commitment to giving back to the community. 

He expressed gratitude for the sports complex, stating that it will benefit future generations. Ndende also assured that the local football association will provide support and care for the facility, and encouraged AMF to collaborate with them for technical football assistance. He commended Hon. Africano Mande for initiating such an impactful project.

Sami Charles Mande, the Executive Director of AMF, revealed that the centerpiece of the complex will be a football stadium. He shared the organization’s vision of developing the stadium to meet FIFA standards, making it a center of excellence for football and a venue for professional matches, tournaments, and community events. In addition to the football stadium, the foundation sports complex will also include facilities for basketball, volleyball, and tennis, catering to a diverse range of interests.

Mr. Mande expressed deep gratitude to AMF patron, Honourable Africano Mande Gedima, for his unwavering support and generosity. He acknowledged that Africano’s commitment has had a transformative impact on the lives of countless individuals and communities.

The event concluded with AMF donating football materials and equipment to eight first division male football teams and eight female football teams, further demonstrating their dedication to supporting local sports.