Growing Demand for Release as Three Youth Activists Detained in South Sudan

Bol Deng Bol, Executive Director for INTREPID South Sudan (ISS)

By Majur Chol Khor

According to the details statement, three youth activists have been detained on Thursday, January 4th, 2024. 

The detained individuals have been identified as Mr. Bill Kur Nyiel, Mr. Bafora Santelo, and Ms. Delighty Keji, all working for Junubin Chronicles, a Youth Empowerment Nongovernmental Organization in Juba.

The news of their detention was shared in a written statement by Bol Deng Bol, Executive Director for INTREPID South Sudan (ISS), with Alhuriya. 

Bol expressed his dismay over the situation, stating, “I was informed this afternoon of the unfortunate arbitral detention of Mr. Bill Kur Nyiel, Mr. Bafora Santelo, and Ms. Delighty Keji at Giada Military Barack in Juba (Tiger Division – Republican Guard) allegedly over the unfortunate disappearance of Biar Ajak Marol.”

Biar Ajak Marol, a colleague of the detained activists, was reported missing on October 4th, 2023, and has yet to be found. The disappearance was immediately reported to the police by his colleagues, who are now facing their second detention. 

Concerns have been raised about the involvement of the military and other security agencies in what was initially a police case.

Bil Kur and Bafora have been tirelessly searching for their colleague, Biar, going from place to place and even attempting to hold a press conference, which was denied by the National Security Service (NSS). Their efforts, along with those of other sympathizers, have been consistently hindered by state security agencies.

The circumstances surrounding the detention and the lack of progress in finding Biar Ajak Marol have sparked outrage and calls for intervention. 

Bol Deng Bol appealed to Major Gen. Lual Wek Guem, the Tiger Division Commander, and President Salva Kiir Mayardit to intervene and secure the release of the detained activists. He also demanded that Biar Ajak Marol be produced in court or released unconditionally.

The situation remains tense as the families and supporters of the detained activists anxiously await their release and the resolution of Biar Ajak Marol’s disappearance. 

The international community is closely monitoring the developments and urging the South Sudanese authorities to uphold the principles of justice and human rights.