INTREPID South Sudan Calls for Immediate Release of Political Activists Amid Deteriorating Human Rights Situation

Mr. Bol Deng Bol, Executive Director of INTREPID South Sudan, expressed deep concern over the deteriorating human rights situation in the country as outlined in the 2023 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices. In response, he made a passionate appeal to the South Sudanese government to release political activists Mr. Morris Mabior and Mr. Biar Ajak Marol from prolonged arbitrary detention.

Quoting Mr. Bol Deng Bol: “Reading through this well-documented 2023 report on the status of Human Rights in South Sudan is dismaying because indeed, violations and abuses of Human Rights are even deteriorating; with citizens facing forced disappearance, arbitrary arrests, restrictions on media independence and freedom of expression, assembly, and association.”

The report highlighted significant human rights issues such as extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances, torture, harsh prison conditions, arbitrary detention, and serious restrictions on freedoms of expression and assembly. It also noted serious abuses in conflicts, unlawful recruitment of children in armed conflict, and extensive gender-based violence, among other concerns.

Mr. Bol pointed out the urgent need for the release of Mr. Morris Mabior and Mr. Biar Ajak Marol, emphasizing the importance of upholding human rights and ensuring justice and accountability. He urged the South Sudanese government to take concrete steps to address these critical human rights issues and restore trust within civil society.

He reiterated his appeal: “I want to strongly appeal to the Presidency to release Mr. Morris Mabior and Mr. Biar Ajak Marol, political activist and youth respectively, from the illegally prolonged arbitrary detention. It is crucial that we prioritize human rights and work towards creating a just and inclusive society for all citizens.”

You can read more about “2023 Country reports on Human Rights Practices in South Sudan” via the attached link;