South Sudan’s CEPO Calls for Political Maturity and Flood Preparedness

In a call to action, the Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (CEPO) of South Sudan is urging political elites and opposition parties to demonstrate a high sense of political maturity in the ongoing peace mediation efforts led by Kenya’s Tumaiani Initiative. The organization emphasizes the need for unity and discipline among political leaders for the sake of the suffering South Sudanese population.

Mr. Edmund Yakani, Executive Director of CEPO, highlighted the importance of prioritizing the citizens’ needs over personal grievances and power struggles. He expressed concern over the tendency of some political elites to prioritize individual interests at the expense of national stability and peace.

Yakani emphasized that the culture of splits within political establishments hinders progress towards a peaceful and democratic society in South Sudan. He called for a collective effort to overcome political egos and indiscipline for the benefit of the nation.

On the issue of flood preparedness, CEPO stressed the importance of adequately equipping the government committee responsible for handling floods. With many citizens already facing hardships due to flooding, timely and effective responses are crucial to mitigating the impact on vulnerable populations, including persons with disabilities.

Nema Juma, Communication and Advocacy Officer of Light for the World in South Sudan, emphasized the need for inclusive strategies to address the challenges faced by persons with disabilities during times of crisis. CEPO pledged to provide strategic advice and support to the government committee on flood preparedness to ensure the protection of all individuals affected by flooding.

In response to the increasing threats posed by floods in various parts of the country, CEPO announced plans to engage in advocacy efforts to raise awareness and support for those affected. Mr. Yakani called for an urgent national strategic roundtable to coordinate multi-actor efforts in combating the growing dangers posed by flooding across South Sudan.

As South Sudan grapples with political tensions and natural disasters, CEPO remains committed to promoting peace, stability, and inclusive preparedness measures to safeguard the well-being of all its citizens.